You. Will. Pay. You know who you are. Consequences, you will pay for them, and I do not just mean your privileges. The trip into that dungeon was much more enjoyable the second time
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[ The sound of footsteps walking away, and gunfire. And then the sound of a foot through solid wood, but it's far away by now. And then some gunfire, as he walks away from the terminal. ]
Damn it, Heine. If I think something is unsettling, chances are you're not going to walk away from it sane. Tsk, tsk, pet, bad. Terrible thing, walking into it like that
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From now on. I am doing the laundry for the bedsheets for a few...specific rooms. And some of the clothes as well. First one to make a 'mother of Devil's Nest' or related joke is getting shot.Keep in mind, everyone, that there is a large boarding house near here, and it has plenty of rooms available. So not everyone crowds in one place. I know I
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